De Wallen is the largest red district in Amsterdam.
The total area is approximately 6.500 square meters, and the prostitution takes place at the next streets: Barndesteeg, Bethlehemsteeg, Bloedstraat, Boomsteeg (now closed), Dollebegijnensteeg, Enge Kerksteeg, Goldbergersteeg, Gordijnensteeg, Molensteeg, Monnikenstraat, Oudekerksplein, Oudekennissteeg, Oudezijds Achterburgwal, Oudezijds Voorburgwal, Sint Annendwarsstraat, Sint Annenstraat, Stoofsteeg and Trompettersteeg.
Sex Work
Prostitution is legal in The Netherlands, with the exception of street prostitution. Also, since January 2013 the legal working age of prostitution was raised from 18 to 21 years old. Sex workers need to go regularly to health checks at the government's expense. Frequently, brothel owners and room operators require health certificates, such as Servsafe, before employing rooms.
Human Traffic
Amsterdam is a main destination for human traffic, 75% of the prostitutes are form Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia. This fact let us a question about if the legalization of prostitution increases human traffic.
Cannabis cofeeshop
Cannabis cofeeshops are licensed to sell cannabis. Tobacco and alcohol are not permitted. The first coffeeshop opened in 1970. In 1976 the government of The Netherlands began decriminalizing use and possession of cannabis through laws, in this way the possession of up to 5 grams is legal.
There are over 200 cannabis coffeeshops in Amsterdam, and you can always find one next to you, although it is restricted to use any advertisement. These coffee shops have a green and white license sticker in the window.
Amsterdam drug laws
- Possession of drugs is legal with a maximum of 5 grams, including weed, marihuana or hash and the police seizes the drugs.
- If you have more than 5 grams for personal use, there are several laws to punish you.
- The tolerance police only allows people over eighteen years old to have drugs.
- Growing weed at home is illegal, however this in not a strict law.
- Hard drugs are illegal.
- Importing and exporting drugs is illegal.
- You can't smoke in public, except in cannabis coffee shops.
Also, for the most conservative people, the recognized LGTB rights could be a problem and for others an important issue. In Amsterdam, 85% of the Dutch population supported same-sex marriage and adoption. Same-sex adoption was legalized with same-sex marriage in 2001, and in 2005, the Dutch parliament allowed same-sex adoption overseas. Lesbian couples can get access to IVF treatment.
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